Imagine my shock when Shawna from Coupon Lady Online gave me this award! I had no idea she read my blog even though I enjoy hers. Now imagine her shock when it took me 6 months to post this. I'm striving not to let that happen again.
Okay so now it's my turn to give this award and how it works:
Okay so now it's my turn to give this award and how it works:
Excellence in Blogcasting Award:
The rules with this award are to do the following:
1) Post the award on my blog
2) Pass it on to some friends, up to 15
3) I have to let them know they've received the award.
Becky at Nickles n Dimes (in the beginning of my adventure her blog theme caught my eye)
Tara at Deal Seeking Mom (got me hooked on Old Navy Weekly)
Megan at Daily Essentials and Deals (I love her godly openness)
Brooke at Mom of Three Little Princesses (Just because)
Cherry Picker (A fellow Buckeye)
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